is the star attraction to Mothers The Ambassadors For Jesus never conceal their dependence on prayer.More
often than not, founder Melvyn Brown of the AFJ has prayed with his Prayer Circles and believe they are serving God in a higher
purpose through their apostolate for Roman Catholic Unification.
This May, the Ambassadors celebrated Mother's Day at Loreto Day School, Elliott Road, Calcutta for the 15th year.The Day started
with a prayer led by Melvyn in the presence of a packed hall. In a beautiful speech, crafted for the occasion, AFJ founder
and Director Melvyn Brown welcomed the mothers in his own inimitably easy manner. " Breathe in and breathe out "he smiled,
adding in a loud voice, " and this is Mother's Day " .
It was to become a big day for moms and grandmoms. A table was spread with umpteen prizes and awards. Behind the decorated
table sat four VIP mothers and the Guest of Honour, Susan Mantosh, a recent recipient of the Mother Teresa award for social
The first event on the programme was a tribute to motherhood read by Miss Antonita Devotta. Next came the cutting of a grand-size
chocolate cake by the oldest mother in the hall, Dorothy Sealy, 87.
Sherry Taylor and Rita Michael, young members of the AFJ, read a lively article on a mother's love for her son, followed by
a poem on mothers devotion to home and family respectively.
The games were delightful getaways from the routine type of fun people in their twilight years are known for.
Shane Hyrapiet, the young singing sensation, now on the international circuit obliged the AFJ by enthralling his audience
of all-age-group mothers. The hall reverberated with applause after each rendition of an old favourite.
The Mother of the Year Award was presented to Ramona D'Moore.The Young and Talented Mother Award went to Glynis Vincent. The
third award was given to the Grandmother with the most grand-children, and Yvonne Halfhide walked away with the Grandmother
of the Year Award having a record-breaking eighteen grand-children.
Melvyn Brown announced it was time for lunch, adding, " Please stay back after the lunch for a surprise gift. " A special
colourful bouquet of artificial flowers was presented to the mothers, courtesy of Susan Mantosh, the Guest of Honour.
Big Event at Kala Mandir
Reported by Melvyn Brown
The prestigious Bharat Nirman Award honouring women achievers and institutions, this year nominated a galaxy of outstanding
women, among them the present day icon Susan Mantosh, enterprenaur, social worker and a compelling high-voltage personality
in haute couture.
Susan Mantosh is the celebrity persona to reckon with. The 14th BHARAT NIRMAN AWARD she received last weekend at the Kala
Mandir auditorium, Calcutta, mesmerized the media. Her knockout good looks, bewitching glamour (see Photo Gallery) chronicles
Susan's material success bonding with her astonishing spiritual richness.
The thematic Fashion Show on Indian Dress was a dream collection . The colourful dances between awards created a musical storm
of sound, beat and mystical rhythm. Fascinating. The programme should have won an award for Best Event production.
There were a host of show-stealers : HOPE Foundation, Shree Shikshiyatan school among other institutions. Singers, dancers,
actresses and painters raised awareness on the gift of womanhood and the resilience of womens spirit.
The function was clearly a wholehearted venture into the acceptance and promotion of the opposite sex. The men, however, dressed
only to please themselves and while on-stage without too much ado they presented the awardees their garland of flowers, '
dupatta ' , trophy and certificate. Every woman in the auditorium was well-dressed for the occasion, more so those on stage.
The evening was electrified with songs and dances to be long remembered.
- Melvyn Brown
Anglo-Indian Day Celebrations |
A-I Day in Calcutta and Melvyn Brown |
Ladies Prayer Circle, Calcutta |

There is something intensely familiar about Good Friday which engulfs the people of God in every city, town and village
; a day of penance , prayer and absolution. This year, in the city of Calcutta the surge of faith exploded with an open and absolute
show of conviction which overwhelmed onlookers and non-christians.
Visiting churches on Good Friday morning, a tradition to many Catholics in the city, who make personal vows to visit
seven or nine churches as an act of penitential repentance, was vividly seen everywhere.
Hundreds of the faithful walked the streets barefoot in a striking performance of grace and serenity doing it "for
Jesus ". With the rosary at their side, some singing hymns in small and big groups, moving across the city rousing the lay
catholic ministry before anyone could believe this exquisite test of faith.
Churches and chapels were witness to a wave of religious "armies of prayer-persons "
blending into the parish processions streaming into the streets and by-lanes. Some large groups following the Cross
as their voices in hymns and Hail Mary payers, filled the environment.
This year, the Home of Divine Mercy on Elliott Road, Calcutta, India, witnessed over five
hundred devotees paying their respects from 6 a.m. to 12 noon. The floodgates of the faith had opened across the city and
surprised even the typical disinterested-individual, or the "stay-at-home" Christian. No analyst would be able to touch upon
the cord of compassion which tore at the heart of this year’s event.
This watershed moment had truly become the spring of new life, the
Promise of an Easter celebration as never
before experienced. The message of redemption and salvation had embedded its seal on the souls of Christ's followers.
The Mission to spread the Word of God was suddenly
furthered and renewed mysteriously. Ms. Susan Mantosh, ( last years AFJ Millennium
Award winner ) at this special time, commissioned and donated eight life-size statues of Divine Mercy to parish churches in
Calcutta. Thus Lent, Good Friday and Easter ended on a high
note - truly a surge of the faith
by Melvyn Brown
" Stay and Pray at Home" Prayer Chain
by a Correspondent
Two things are clear regarding the Ambassadors For Jesus Ladies Prayer Circle new agenda under direction of founder Melvyn
Brown. First and foremost,many young and senior ladies in the Calcutta parishes are prepared to pray at home for others provided
they have the correct instructions on how to go about it.
Second, the "earth angels" guided by Melvyn Brown will do all they can to foster and promote the new project of prayer
should the plan be feasible. The Ladies Prayer Circle, otherwise is a success as the "earth angels" meet on Monday week, every
week, and pray for petitions placed on the altar of Divine Mercy at the Home of Divine Mercy, Calcutta.
The new agenda to " Stay and Pray at Home" for those who prefer to work in silence has reached a powerful push from a broad
survey conducted by the AFJ newsletter. It is a symbolic explosion of faith and the AFJ decided to programme a unified Prayer
Send your name, age, phone number and address to Melvyn Brown,3 Elliott Road, Calcutta 700016 for details and the special
Prayer Card along with the day,time and the intention for each week when you prayer. A time when many hundreds willbe praying
for the same intention each week. Thank you for joining the earth angels in your own silent way.
Praying for
the sick, the lonely, the disturbed is a tradition. Absolutely.
Melvyn Brown keeps that vision much in the equation.
He created a
LADIES PRAYER CIRCLE, and called them Earth Angels.
They pray together every week for the petitions placed on the altar of Divine Mercy at
Melvyn's house, the Home of Divine Mercy, 3 Elliott Road, Calcutta 700016.
You can send
your personal petitions to Melvyn Brown's email, or phone
him directly : 2217-1542 ( put in your country code).
an Earth Angel wherever you are in the globe. First send in your name, date of birth and home address to Melvyn and he
will send you details on how
you can join the LADIES PRAYER CIRCLE with particulars of the special day and
time,and the prayers to be recited when everyone else is also praying. All Christians are welcome to join.
If you've been to Calcutta chances
are you've seen,been or heard of Melvyn Brown's individual,
single-handed effort to bring the Spirit of Christmas into the hearts, lives and homes of poor children and their parents.He's been doing this for over twenty-seven years. The effort could be declared an Anglo-Indian first. How come.
Melvyn has stayed on in the country and kept working
each year with the communitythrough his newslettter
(Anglo-Indian) and in his efforts to make each Christmas Treat better than the last.
Melvyn always needs support from well-wishers and friends. This is not what one imagines and Melvyn has to break his own personal
resources every year to fill-in the big packet to make his project work.
You, too, could help Melvyn.
By Melvyn Brown
is a time of year,
When happiness abounds :
When silver bells and angels cheer
In parks, in halls and grounds.
is a time of hope,
When men forget their fears :
When childlike dreams are made to cope
With laughter and with tears.
is a time to give.
When man begins to care :
When loved ones learn to shape and live
The Heaven Christians' share.
Christmas is a time for peace
When common ground is made :
When both the warring sides must cease,
let their hatred fade.
Christmas is a time for gifts.
When little tokens sent,
thoughts and words alone uplifts,
And banishes resent.
Christmas is a time for God.
When Spirit is the most.
Christ comes through with rich reward,
And Jesus is the host.
by A Correspondent
The most valid exercise in the celebration for Anglo-Indian Day ( 2nd August ) was Melvyn Brown's single-handed
inspiration to launch a major effort to promote, protect and preserve the community's history, heritage and culture.
If that was hard to imagine a cavalcade of his deeds drew respect and
admiration from many. In outline, Melvyn Brown, the Calcutta chronicler for the community reached out to schools, including
Loreto Day School Elliott Road and after a lively lecture on the theme : "We Are Anglo-Indians" , he distributed over two
hundred copies free of his well-written and self-published books on the story of the race. His vivid books were also
presented to non-Anglo-Indian children in other clubs and institutions, in an effort to convey a better understanding of the
community for future generations.
This was not exactly the entire part of his celebration agenda. Mr. Melvyn Brown is a committee member on the board
of the Ripon Street unit of the East India Charitable Trust which struggles to run an infant (nursery) school. The school
had been originally established by Mollie Baldock as an Anglo-Indian project to assist families in the lower-income group.
Today the shift in planning welcomes all communities for admission besides Anglo-Indians. (see pic.)
Towards this dying Anglo-Indian dream, Melvyn Brown offered a donation of one thousand and one rupees as his personal contribution
in the spirit of celebrating Anglo-Indian Day. (see pic.).
In Brown's own inimitable way a home movie was shown to members of the community on the life of an Anglo-Indian girl who rose
from destitution to become a famous Hollywood actress. The film was "Queenie" with Mia Sara and Kirk Douglas.
An Essay Contest is in circulation for the past month on the topic : Anglo-Indian Now . The winners will be announced at the
end of August.
The exercise and Brown's cavalcade of events drew to an end on Sunday last, surrounded with a bouquet of silent and grateful
appreciation.He did it his way.
Mother's Day Celebration Organised by Melvyn Brown
A Mother's Day celebration will be held with members of the community who will call across at 3 Elliot Road, the residence of Melvyn Brown this coming Sunday evening
for cakes,chips and sweet drinks.
At the gathering Melvyn Brown will nominate and award the Mother-of-the-Year (the lady who may have the most number of children) - with a trophy and a cash presentation. The get-together will end with the film 'Step Mom' .
Standing Ovation For Ambassador For Jesus Founder Melvyn Brown
Fr. Michael Bhaju,V-G., Chief Guest at the
Millennium Awards For Anglo-Indians and Christians Instituted by Melvyn Brown, Calcutta
by a Correspondent
In a crowded parish centre hall at St. Thomas' church, Middleton Row, Calcutta, people from various parishes in the city came
together to witness the AFJ Millennium Awards ceremony.
The Chief Guest, Rev.Fr. Michael Bhaju,Vicar-General and Spiritual Adviser of the Ambassadors For Jesus was present to hand the Awards to the recipients. The event was a springboard
to boost the AFJ apostolate of Roman Catholic unification .
The new realities and identities in todays catholic perspective on faith, dedication and sincere motives was drawn to the forefront in talks by the awardees. Dramatically flattering
Melvyn Brown and his dedication to the apostolate of Roman Catholic unification, Desmond Redden {Rtd.} Anglo-Indian teacher
of St.Xavier's school, thanked the AFJ founder and requested his audience to give Melvyn a standing ovation. Everyone rose
Fr. Michael Bhaju handed the large and colourful Citation along with the Award to Desmond Redden.
Under the able direction of Miss Sophia who is in charge of the youth choir, a song was fittingly rendered and transported her listeners to another world. Granville Daunt, an Anglo-Indian sang
a solo number for all the award winners : May the GoodLord
Bless and Keep You.
Fr. Orson Wells,the Anglo-Indian parish priest of St. Teresa of Avila church, received his Award in all humility and spoke a few words of spiritual strength .
Finally, the Vicar-General gave an enormous and inspiring talk for the awardees. He presented Susan Mantosh, the third recipient of the Award who is a well-loved personality in the community of Catholics, she is an Anglo-Indian who has
worked for the community as well.
Melvyn Brown, The Anglo-Indian Chronicler and Anglo-Indian Newsletter Founder said, " Susan Mantosh does all her good
works for the love of Jesus. Mrs. Mantosh, Mr. Redden and Fr. Orson Wells have a unique bond
- giving of themselves in the service of Christ...."
A very sumptous lunch was laid out with a varity of dishes for all those present,followed with dollops of ice-cream. The Awards function was brough to a memorable conclusion.
Courtesy ; The Herald - 4th February 2006