And yet another year is almost in the books
Summer has swiftly slipped away and we have entered that beautiful season of Autumn with its cool, comfortable temperatures
and the vividly colorful splendor of nature in transition. Yes, this will soon be followed by the crisp Winter air, the Santa
Claus parade and the inevitable first snowfall, preferably in this order, however, mother nature has handed us an early taste
of Winter - a reminder of things to come! We hope that all our subscribers and their families enjoyed the Summer which was
rather slow in arriving but certainly made up for its tardiness by giving us a long spell of wonderfully warm, sunny weekends
to indulge in our favourite outdoor sports. We trust that you took full advantage of this spell of excellent weather and enjoyed
your vacations, camping trips and weekends at the cottage, swimming, fishing, boating and barbecuing outdoors.
We are now supposed to be entering a period of less physical activity because of the cooler temperatures outside. This
will slowly limit the outdoor activities of most, however, there are alternatives because of the various community centres
and fitness clubs around us. Should we choose to, we can join them and use their modern facilities to continue to keep in
good physical shape. Then again, if you are the outdoors type there is an abundance of outdoor activities, the least of which
is shovelling snow and scraping your car.
In the last issue of our newsletter we trust we succeeded in clearing up some misconceptions and misapprehensions that
were perceived by a section of subscribers about relations between us and the embryonic Anglo-Indian Association. If any lingering
doubts still remain you may address them to us in writing and we shall be glad to clear them up once and for all.
We are open to ideas and suggestions from our readers as to how we can widen the scope and improve the quality of our
newsletter and invite you to write to us about this. Each and every idea will be carefully considered by the Editorial Committee
at its meetings and will be acted upon if feasible.
Judging from the tone of the new Anglo Indian Association’s first newsletter, there appears to be a very enthusiastic
response from the community to the formation of an Association. We sincerely hope that this support will maintain its momentum
and continue over the long-term and not diminish as the novelty wears off. Continuous support by all members of the community
is absolutely necessary for the survival and success of this organization if it is to be of benefit to us and a symbol of
our unity.
We are fast approaching the end of the year and this will be your last issue of the AIIT Newsletter for 1996. I would
like to take this opportunity, along with the entire editorial team, to thank you for your continued support and wish you
and yours a very joyous and safe holiday season. May you have a very prosperous 1997.
Eric Peters